Model motion

Help us spread the word throughout the labour movement and get our unions active and involved in solidarity work. Please propose this motion in your trade union branch (or regional committee etc), local political party (Labour, Green etc), or campaign or community group, and bring them along to our protests and other actions!

Motion: Workers’ solidarity against CCP repression

This branch/union/etc notes:

  1. The CCP’s massive repression of Uyghur, Tibetan, Mongolian peoples, suppressing their rights of self-determination, enforcing disadvantage & assimilation into a Han ethno-nationalist state.
  2. The violent crackdown against Hong Kong’s independent trade unions and the democracy movement, through colonial-era laws and a new National Security Law.
  3. Both state-owned & private companies profit from super-exploitation, as worker protests are suppressed & independent unions banned.
  4. Increasing repression of feminist and LGBTQIA+ activists, and state-sponsored sexism and LGBTQIA+phobia.
  5. Chinese imperialism militarily threatens Taiwan and neighbouring states; its Belt & Road projects prop up tyrannical regimes, exploit workers & damage the environment; its embassies harass exiled dissidents.
  6. The CCP has faced fierce resistance. Citizens protested in Hong Kong and in the White Paper Movement. Strikes by factory and courier workers continue. Exiles organise & demonstrate overseas.
  7. Workers Against the CCP (, founded June 2023, brings together UK labour movement solidarity with these struggles. Supporting organisations include Labour Movement Solidarity with Hong Kong, the Uyghur Solidarity Campaign, and Tibetan, Mongolian, Hongkonger and Chinese groups.

This branch/union/etc believes:

  1. We stand for democracy and social justice. We support political, religious & trade union freedoms, and liberation & equality for oppressed groups & nations. China’s authoritarian state represents none of these things, despite the CCP’s pretences.
  2. We have no trust in western governments and hawkish politicians who hijack concerns for democracy and human rights in pursuit of their imperialist, profit-seeking, xenophobic and militarist aims.
  3. The only answer is solidarity between workers and oppressed peoples of all countries, against oppression and exploitation.

This branch/union/etc resolves:

  1. To stand in solidarity and build links with workers, oppressed peoples and subjugated nations in China fighting for justice, freedom, democracy, equality, liberation and self-determination.
  2. To demand freedom for political prisoners and independent trade unions.
  3. To support action against forced labour and other abuses in global supply chains.
  4. To oppose our own government’s hypocritical agendas, fight racism against East & South-East Asian peoples, and demand sanctuary for refugees fleeing CCP persecution.
  5. To join protests and direct action consistent with the principles above, against the Chinese state, its embassies and representatives, and businesses complicit in repression and exploitation.
  6. To affiliate to Workers Against the CCP and participate in its campaigning.