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5 July Urumchi Massacre: Remember & Resist

Join Workers Against the CCP and Uyghur community organisations to mark the 15th anniversary of the Urumchi massacre, and protest for Uyghur rights and freedom today.
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Trade unionists & democrats convicted: free the Hong Kong 47

The no-jury landmark trial of the Hong Kong 47, presided over by three specially designated national security judges has convicted 14 out of 16 activists of taking part in a "conspiracy to commit subversion".
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Article 23: Hong Kong's repressive new "security law"

On 19 March, the Hong Kong Legislative Council, now completely devoid of oppositional voice, unanimously passed a new security law. In addition to the National Security Law imposed on Hong Kong in 2020 by Beijing, new offences have been created — treason, insurrection and sabotage which are punishable by up to life; imprisonment, secession, sedition, subversion against the Chinese government, external interference, theft of state secrets and espionage.
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