About our campaign

We are a new UK-based campaign, organising solidarity in the labour movement to support the struggles of workers and oppressed and marginalised people in China and its occupied territories. Our coalition brings together a range of trade unionists and existing campaigns and community groups.

What we stand for

Our campaign was founded at a meeting of activists in June 2023. We agreed the following platform:

The campaign's purpose is to organise active labour movement solidarity in the UK for the struggles of workers and oppressed and marginalised people in China for liberation, democracy and equality. It will support struggles:

  • For democratic and workers’ rights across China and its occupied territories: the rights to free speech, to organise and protest, to form opposition parties to the state and the CCP, to organise independent unions and for the right to strike, to practise any religion or none.

  • For social justice and economic democracy for the Chinese, Hong Kong, Uyghur, Tibetan and Taiwanese people.

  • For equality and liberation for women, LGBT people, disabled people, and racialised minorities, and the abolition of the hukou system that discriminates against working-class migrants.

  • For freedom from repression, and the democratic right to self-determination, for Tibet, the Uyghurs, and Hong Kong.

  • For environmental protections, including just transition to halt climate change.

  • Against exploitation, oppression and environmental degradation in other countries affected by China’s economic imperialism and arms sales to tyrants.

None of these struggles benefit from superpower rivalries, xenophobia or threats of war. The campaign will therefore also:

  • Support the right of threatened nations such as Taiwan to defend their self-determination and to receive arms necessary for that defence from whatever forces are willing to supply them, while opposing armament drives and sabre-rattling by the imperialist camps of China, Russia and the US and their military and security alliances.

  • Fight racism against people of East & South-East Asian backgrounds.

  • Oppose the UK government’s racist anti-migrant policies and demand safe routes, sanctuary and equality for refugees fleeing repression, violence and authoritarianism – whether at the hands of the Chinese state or anywhere else in the world. Defend the rights of migrants & refugees who have already come to the UK, and support their inclusion & integration into the local workers’ movement.

To these ends, the campaign’s activities will include:

  • Organise and support protest and direct action against the Chinese state and its embassies and representatives, and against businesses complicit in repression and exploitation.

  • Work to win the argument for solidarity within the labour movement and the left, and to engage our trade unions and political organisations in this solidarity.

  • Encourage and support workers’ action in the global supply chains that connect the working classes here and in China and its occupied territories.

  • Discussion, debate and education within the left and labour movement on all these issues.

  • To carry out practical aid tailor made to the communities within the struggles in the UK

Who we are

Our coalition brings together a range of individual activists and existing campaigns and organisations to work together. Affiliated organisations are listed below.

Please affiliate your trade union, your branch or other political or campaigning organisation! We have a model motion you can propose to do this. Below is set out how we currently organise and how you can affiliate.

  1. The campaign is led by a steering committee (SC). The SC is responsible for leading on organising campaign activities in keeping with the aims and principles of the campaign.
  2. The steering committee may choose to elect a smaller group of officers from among its members, to take week-to-week responsibility for particular organising or administrative tasks (including financial matters).
  3. The SC is mandated to organise a future conference of campaign supporters. These constitutional arrangements are subject to revision by the conference.
  4. The SC is composed of:
    1. One delegate seat for each affiliate organisation. Each affiliate may either send one or two people to share its delegate seat (one vote only per seat).
    2. Committee members elected by the founding meeting. The SC may vote by 2/3 supermajority to co-opt additional members.
  5. All the organisations that co-sponsored the campaign launch meeting are automatically entitled to be affiliates if they wish.
  6. Additional organisations can affiliate on request, subject to their agreement with the campaign's aims and principles and approval via a 2/3 supermajority of the SC. New affiliates are invited to make a financial donation based on what they can afford.