Protest: Trade Unionists Say 'Free the Hong Kong 45!'

Protest: Trade Unionists Say 'Free the Hong Kong 45!'


On 19 November, 45 defendants in the trial of the Hong Kong 47 democratic activists were sentenced to years in prison, including trade union leaders Carol Ng and Winnie Yu, and socialist politician and activist Leung Kwok-hung. Democracy and freedom to organise are as vital as oxygen for our movement. On 30 November, join our trade unionists’ demonstration to support our sentenced comrades and all those fighting for democratic and workers’ movements in Hong Kong.

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Five years since police brutality at Prince Edward Station

Five years since police brutality at Prince Edward Station


Stop police brutality! Free all political prisoners! Solidarity with democratic & labour activists! Sanctuary & equality for everyone fleeing tyranny!

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Apple protests resume in September: workers’ rights from China to UK!

Apple protests resume in September: workers’ rights from China to UK!


Join us every month in London, Leeds & Birmingham to protest exploitation and abuse by corporate giant Apple and the Chinese state. Power and freedom to workers, East and West, against corporate and state bureaucrat power and profit!

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5 July Urumchi Massacre: Remember & Resist

5 July Urumchi Massacre: Remember & Resist


Join Workers Against the CCP and Uyghur community organisations to mark the 15th anniversary of the Urumchi massacre, and protest for Uyghur rights and freedom today.

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Trade unionists & democrats convicted: free the Hong Kong 47

Trade unionists & democrats convicted: free the Hong Kong 47


The no-jury landmark trial of the Hong Kong 47, presided over by three specially designated national security judges has convicted 14 out of 16 activists of taking part in a "conspiracy to commit subversion".

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Woolwich's Tibetan connection

Woolwich's Tibetan connection


Tsering Passang, Chair of the Global Alliance for Tibet & Persecuted Minorities, recently spoke about the connections between Woolwich in London and Tibet, as part of the 5 April Woolwich Heritage celebrations

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Article 23: Hong Kong's repressive new

Article 23: Hong Kong's repressive new "security law"


On 19 March, the Hong Kong Legislative Council, now completely devoid of oppositional voice, unanimously passed a new security law. In addition to the National Security Law imposed on Hong Kong in 2020 by Beijing, new offences have been created — treason, insurrection and sabotage which are punishable by up to life; imprisonment, secession, sedition, subversion against the Chinese government, external interference, theft of state secrets and espionage.

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"The Tyranny of State Productivism": Au Loong-yu writing at A*CR


The 2024 National People’s Congress is now in session in Beijing, in the midst of a steep economic downturn affecting millions of people’s livelihoods– the credit crunch in the property market is now spreading to other financial sectors, there is deflation, a slowing down of manufacturing, a huge outflow of foreign investment, and a rise in unemployment.

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