"The Tyranny of State Productivism": Au Loong-yu writing at A*CR

Check out this article we found useful: Au Loong-yu wrote recently on the Anti*Capitalist Resistance website, about Premier Li Qiang's economic report at the 2024 "National People's Congress". Despite differences with previous eras of the CCP, some things remain the same: a ruling class extracting most of the wealth that workers produce and withholding it from them, and policies that prioritise productivism over the livelihoods of the majority.

The 2024 National People’s Congress is now in session in Beijing, in the midst of a steep economic downturn affecting millions of people’s livelihoods– th e credit crunch in the property market is now spreading to other financial sectors (see my article here), there is deflation, a slowing down of manufacturing, a huge outflow of foreign investment, and a rise in unemployment. [Read on at the A*CR website...]